Anger is the most painful emotion each and one of us suffers from at some point in our lives. Anger comes in a form of aggression but also in a form of its silent sister, resentment.
Whether you think it’s all the other person’s fault that you feel like this or not, the person suffering the most when we feel angry is sadly ourselves.
Anger can easily be resolved if we allow ourselves a practice of mindfulness and/or meditation where we understand that anger is produced with our own mind, it’s never produced by anyone outside of our mind. And as much as someone might have done the wrong thing, wouldn’t we like to have our mind under control?
Anger is one of the three poisons that cause humans to suffer.
Compassion is the understanding that everyone suffers like we do. No matter if we know, like or understand people around us. Even your enemy suffers. If they wouldn’t have suffered they wouldn’t t have hurt you in the first place.
Now, you might say that that’s none of your business. But I’d say it bloody damn is your business so long as you get affected by your anger.
A mind that develops anger is an unhappy mind.
A mind which does better than that, that develops compassion is a happy mind.
Would you rather be righteous and angry or compassionate and peaceful?
Choose compassion, happiness follows it like a shadow.
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