The Biggest Statement On How The Teachings Change Someone Is When People Notice The Happiness On Your Face

Little School of Buddhism attracts people from Facebook, Google and other worldwide places. It attracts people I don’t know and I get to know them through my programs where I guide them.

The biggest statement to how the teachings change someone from unhappy to happy, though, is when people who actually know me, whether friends or people who saw me once, email me with these words and then join my course:

“I just saw your website and your trailer video, which is amazing and your face looks completely different from when I last saw you! Just the way you look and the way you talk, it’s clear that you’re happy! I’d like to join your course.”

Below are two photos of me, one in 2011, before I started to practice Buddha’s teachings and one after I started to heavily practice and teach Buddhism, in 2014.

Duda Teachings - From Unhappy to Happy

My life story is not unique. I struggled with the same pain every human struggles. Self-acceptance, compassion towards myself, expectations towards others, anger, depression. The list is awfully long.

These days I go through my dark tunnels with deep wisdom, knowing what’s behind the curtains of the conventional life.

My enemies are my teachers, my anger turned into compassion, my self-judgement turned into self-acceptance.

Has that stopped me from being fully functional and get shit done?

✔ First book done.
✔ Second is in making and more to come.
✔ Articles published on Elephant Journal and alike.
✔ 3 times contributor to books on spirituality and success.
✔ 2 years deep study with the Tibetan Buddhist monks, close to completion and looking forward to the next 5 years study.
✔ Mindful marriage.
✔ Mindful parenting.
✔ 2 businesses up & running.

My days start with a gratitude diary, Tibetan Buddhist meditations and spiritual texts, until I’m ready for the day.

I manage to complete all the other stuff on a long list we all have (kids, businesses, loved ones and our house) AFTER my practice, not before.

My day is done by 5 pm & I don’t wake up at 4 am as I used to.

Most importantly, the bags under my eyes are long gone!

Kindness, compassion and love are definitely the best beauty treatment I’ve known of (sorry Clarins!)

To join in click here:


If you want to learn more about our Little School of Buddhism, visit our website.

Please share with like-minded friends who can benefit from my insights. I am passionate about raising awareness on how Buddhism and Transformational Coaching can help any modern person overcome low confidence, anxiety, anger or fear in the long term.

As always, I’m here for you if you have any questions. Jump on a call with me on +61 402 710 788 or drop me a line here for any questions about Little School of Buddhism.

Connect with us on Facebook or Instagram or simply subscribe to my Youtube channel where we give more free content on all things happiness.
