We all search for happiness 24/7 and that’s all fine. The reality is that we forget to be kind as we focus on our desires to be met.
True happiness, however, lies exactly in that: kindness towards others as well as ourselves.
Yes, we want all the other stuff too, but without treating ourselves and others with kindness wherever possible (and it is always possible) we will feel miserable; in our sleep, in our downtime, in our relationships and our work.
To learn techniques and get simple tools to your spiritual practice that explains things from A-Z rather than just dropping wisdom bombs without any guidance, check our Little School of Buddhism. We start every 3 months due to high demand.
Make sure not to miss our Early Bird Special 30% here: https://kickassmuse.com/product/little-school-buddhism
Any questions or comments let us know here: https://littleschoolofbuddhism.kickassmuse.com/enquire
Namaste until next week!
If you want to learn more about our Little School of Buddhism, visit our website.
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