One of the main reasons why people join our Little School of Buddhism is because they can’t figure out how to really, really forgive, or beat the anger.
We all want is peace of mind and joy. That’s really what happiness is. But negative emotions are holding us back and cost us our health. It most often comes in a form of a depression and anxiety and it’s quite hard to find a way out of that dark tunnel.
How can we get rid of those painful emotions?
The first step is to learn how our mind works. This is what Buddhist psychology covers. It is simple but the sad fact is, no one taught us these things.
The antidote to anger or the difficulty to forgive is compassion, kindness and understanding what really happened beyond the appearance.
Where can we learn the art of compassion, forgiveness and kindness?
In our 7 weeks program, we share simple Buddhist awareness and practice where we learn that our anger, fear, resentment and attachment causes suffering to no one else but ourselves.
It’s a very pragmatic and very down to earth approach to our everyday living.
Surely this only works for monks sitting in a monastery!
Umm, wrong! Famous Buddhists like Steve Jobs or George Lucas shaped our world led by the wisdom of Buddhism that gave them the stamina to be who they are and to stop their suffering so they can live their full potential. Tina Turner only became famous once she turned to Buddhism and broke the chain of suffering in her abusive marriage. Leonard Cohen and David Bowie were also Buddhists. Can you see how all of those names exuded a very visible certainty about who they were?
How can you get a slice of that?
Easy. You don’t have to go to a monastery and study Buddhism to become happy. It’s not for everyone. You can finally do something by giving yourself a 7 weeks meaningful program on Facebook. You will focus on getting rid of anger, fear and attachment and instead learn compassion, kindness and meditation. Our alumni report changes in their relationships, families and careers within 2 weeks.
Which negative emotions seem to be following you the most? Is it anger? Or fear? Take a moment and review; how do you feel when they arise? Do these feelings do anything good for your inner peace or your health? How would it feel not to have that constant struggle? Can you imagine it?
If you want to learn more about our Little School of Buddhism, visit our website.
Please share with like-minded friends who can benefit from my insights. I am passionate about raising awareness on how Buddhism and Transformational Coaching can help any modern person overcome low confidence, anxiety, anger or fear in the long term.
As always, I’m here for you if you have any questions. Jump on a call with me on +61 402 710 788 or drop me a line here for any questions about Little School of Buddhism.
Connect with us on Facebook or Instagram or simply subscribe to my Youtube channel where we give more free content on all things happiness.